Public Relations
New York, NY – July 19th, 2010
Press Releases » Jewish Matchmaking v2.0
The Jewish Dating website is wishing Mazel Tov to their thousandth member engaged! The happy couple, Aaron and Ilana, mark a special occasion for the site, which boasts it’s impressive success rate after only 6 years since it’s founding in 2004. will be interconnected with the expansive SawYouAtSinai database, allowing matches across the two sites. The service has also recruited matchmakers who are connected with Neve; either women that are alumnae themselves, have a child who is an alumna, or have already become involved with Neve in other ways. This enables the singles and the matchmakers to relate to each other more effectively.
“From the moment we spoke I knew we’d speak again,” recalls Ilana fondly. “And eight and a half months later, at Central Park, I gave her the ring,” adds Aaron.
The SawYouAtSinai shidduch service combines their team of 400 experienced and dedicated shadchans with an in-house designed matching technology that sends compatible matches to their members. With an extensive online database of screened, eligible, Jewish singles, they are bringing the matchmaking concept out of the shtetl, and enabling it to be accessed by Jewish communities around the world.
Much safer than traditional online dating which can contain deceptive profiles or the risk of internet-savvy co-workers stumbling upon your profile, SawYouAtSinai keeps members’ profiles completely confidential, seen only by the shadchans and approved potential matches. “We bring a more humanizing element to online dating and more efficiency and accuracy to the traditional shidduch system.“ explains founder Marc Goldmann, “A great deal of your future and happiness is dependent on who you spend your life with, so like with any other important life matter, why not seek the help of a professional?” Says one of the sites top matchmakers Tova Weinberg, “In order to be a good matchmaker, you need to recognize compatibility, and most importantly, you need resources.”
Aaron found his experience with the shadchan to be enlightening. “Having a matchmaker really forces you to ask how well you know yourself, and how your dating decisions in the past affected your relationships.”
“I was very close to my shadchan,” explains Alana, “Not only did she know what I wanted, but she knew what I needed too. And thanks to her now I have found my bashert!”
About SawYouAtSinai
SawYouAtSinai was created in December 2003 to satisfy the need for a more private and personalized approach to online Jewish dating. This Rabbinic-endorsed site uniquely combines the power of technology, the accessibility of the internet, and the personal touch of a matchmaker to serve its 30,000 members. SawYouAtSinai has over 350 experienced matchmakers from diverse backgrounds, focusing on its members’ various age ranges, religious levels, locations and personalities. With over 1,000 members successfully matched, SawYouAtSinai continues to benefit Conservative, Modern Orthodox and Yeshivish singles from Jewish communities throughout the world.