Aviva Miller
Public Relations
212 866 0546
July 11, 2006
Press Releases » SAWYOUATSINAI AND YUCONNECTS TO HOST SHABBOS NACHAMU WEEKEND FOR SINGLES Retreat in Stamford, CT to Provide Opportunity for Modern Orthodox Machmir – Yeshivish/Black Hat Jewish Singles to Mingle and Meet
New York, NY – July 15, 2008 – SawYouAtSinai and YUConnects today announced that registration is open at for its annual Shabbos Nachamu singles weekend. The event, which is geared toward modern orthodox machmir and yeshivish/black hat singles ages 23-39, will take place at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel in Stamford Connecticut on August 15-17.
Matchmakers from YUConnects and SawYouAtSinai will be available at the weekend to talk with attendees and to facilitate matchmaking. Interactive programming will enable singles to meet each other. The weekend will feature delicious food, exciting entertainment, live music, and stimulating shiurim. All facilities of the Sheraton’s 4-star hotel will be available for use. Meals will be catered by Esprit Events and will be Glatt Kosher, Pas Yisroel and Cholov Yisroel.
It is the 4th year that SawYouatSinai is hosting this event, which has taken place at locations throughout the tri-state area. It is the first time that it will be hosting in conjunction with Yeshiva University and their singles site YUConnects, which serves students and alumni in the Yeshiva University community.
“We are proud to be affiliated with YUConnects. This partnership will further the success of the weekend” Marc Goldmann, founder and CEO of SawYouAtSinai said. YUConnects is a program sponsored by the Center for the Jewish Future that is open to Yeshiva University single undergraduate alumni and students designed to facilitate meeting opportunities and networking. Fourteen couples have married from previous year’s weekends. Mirta Konig, who met her bashert at least year’s Shabbos Nachamu weekend said “Things happen when you’re really not expecting them. I was on the event committee last year but I wasn’t going to go because I was finishing my masters, but they told me I had to go if I was on the committee. Finding my husband was the best unexpected gift I could have ever received.”
“It was a fun filled weekend with great programming, complimented with a relaxed environment to meet new people” Lisa Grundman said of last years’ event. With attendees at last year’s event coming from such varied locations as New York, New Jersey, Florida, Baltimore, Milwaukee, and even Canada, England, Israel, and Costa Rica, this years event is sure to draw a diverse crowd.
To register for the event please visit , email , or call 212.600.0977.
About SawYouAtSinai
SawYouAtSinai was created in December 2003 to satisfy the need for a more private and personalized approach to online Jewish dating. This Rabbinic-endorsed site uniquely combines the power of technology, the accessibility of the internet, and the personal touch of a matchmaker to serve its 26,000 members. SawYouAtSinai has over 300 experienced matchmakers from diverse backgrounds, focusing on its members’ various age ranges, religious levels, locations and personalities. With over 600 members successfully matched, SawYouAtSinai continues to benefit Conservative, Modern Orthodox and Yeshivish/Black Hat singles from Jewish communities throughout the world.
About YUConnects
YUConnects is a program, sponsored by the Center for the Jewish Future, available to Yeshiva University single undergraduate alumni and students featuring activities and events designed to facilitate meeting opportunities and networking. A varied group of talented and trained “Connectors” are women available to meet with members on an individual basis. The goal of this initiative is to create comfortable opportunities, inviting single men and women, to socialize and connect.